I apologize

I am lost,
In the sea,
That is you.

I float with,
the words
you’ve spoken.

I drown with
the words
you hide.

You are in love
with us.
You are in love
with sadness.

I apologize,
For I am no muse.
I apologize,
for you are unable
to write.

I am nothing
But a heavy weight.
I am nothing,
But a want.

You are showered,
with words,
My words.

I pull you,
out of a ditch,
and keep you warm.
all for a smile in return.

Not once have we spoken,
about anything,
apart from you.

My words,
Are for you,
and about you.

Your words,
are for you,
and about you.

I apologize,
for not being someone
you care for.

I float,
in the sea,
that is you.

waiting for my turn,
waiting for you,
waiting for us,
To be more
than just the
Sadness that you immerse
yourself in.

But it is in vain,
and I am aware,
that with others,
you were not,
the same.

I apologize for who I am.
I apologize for me.


What is yet to come,
What is in progress,
My present,
My unforeseen future.
I will give you, me.
If you ask me to.
We used to be us,
Once you let yourself want us to.
You used to see me,
Now you can almost walk through me,
Use me, Let me be your toy.
Just let me feel your hand,
Let me feel like I matter.
And I wont shed tears if you break me.
Being broken is what I do best.
I’d rather be broken with you,
because of you.
My skin crawls,
The urge is there but
I hold myself back,
Cause I don’t want you to see
Fresh scars.

What is yet to come,
What is in progress,
Your present,
Your unseen future,
You want what you can not have,
and cry for the hand,
You can never touch.
Now you want,
What is already yours
Yet, you don’t want to have it.
Because it might be good,
good for you.
because you think
of your self as grey
when all I see
is a cloud with
bright strikes of colour.
You are bring and high.
For I am dull and monochrome,
Together we can create colours,
all the colours in the world.

Void ..

A step back,
You walk away…
Leaving me,
in awe..
What was I?
Who am I?
Why did this happen?
Lies, Sugar coated lies..
Truth, hard to swallow..
No, you kept walking..
Rubbing salt,
rubbing alcohol,
into my fresh wounds…
you shed a tear…
my heart does not break,
it implodes …
struck by its shattered pieces,
I drop to the ground …
Staring at the back of your neck …
Thoughts do not harm me,
for reality has struck me down…
On my knees,
I am nothing,
But static noise…
do not fall…
are not heard…
my face,
is blank…
My heart,
non existing…
apart from
its scattered pieces stuck
in side of me
and all around me …
I do not move,
You are gone…
it was all far,
From a falling star..


The wind passes through me,…
Like a thread does a noddle.. 
I close my eyes and swing my legs .. 
I feel the cold breeze …
it hits me like a brick…
I tighten my grip …
And let the swing go higher … 
My stomach turns …
My grip tightens … 
I open my eyes …
and feel the swing control me .. 
I am not me..
This is not my life …
Hope is non existing …
the future is dim .. 
I swing harder .. 
My insides sink inside of me .. 
I hate it all but I wont stop it .. 
Back and forth .. 
eyes closed .. 
wind .. 
inhale ..
Exhale .. 
I slow down .. 
I come to a stop .. 
I open my eyes .. 
The world is still turning .. 
I smile .. 


Get it right …

You know the famous quote …

“If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, its yours forever. If it ddoesn’t then it was never meant to be.”

Yeah, well Its bullshit ..

I think it should be ” If you love something, let it go .. If it leaves then it was never meant to be, if it stays then its yours forever” ..

Get it right people ..