After a few good days, good conversations and people it hit me.
Today is a day where everything is not real, I can see everyone but feel nothing.
I see the lady in front of me, I feel the metro moving through its tracks but my emotions don’t exists because non of this is real. Am I really here?
I close my eyes, and feel like I’m drifting to a place I don’t know, not that I even know where I am right now.
I walk, focusing on my muscles, how they contract and expand. One foot in front of the other. I take videos of a bird, the trees, my feet as they left from the ground just to find it again.
Maybe this is the path for me, the video taking one, is this way I’m attracted to it? Because it makes me feel less insignificant, less non-existent? it helps ease my mind, cause I don’t have to focus on ‘Why can’t I feel anything?’ but rather on a ‘Oh, even if it’s not real, it’s pretty.’
I sit here for hours, but what are hours? how long have I been here? how long have I been staring at my own fingers, watching them move? am I moving them? are they even mine? this sensation is not familiar. I can feel my eyes swelling with tears.
Am I scared that this isn’t real? or scared that I’m not real? Am I even scared, sad or is this my bodies reaction to not feeling like I control own my hand or fingers?
This usually happens a lot but in short bursts, this time it hit me hard, and it’s a heavy weight. How can it be such a heavy weight when I feel lightheaded?
When I speak, the words that are created in my brain and flow through me, I can sense them but once I speak, once I hear my voice, I don’t recognize it. I don’t feel like it is me, like I choose these words or choose to say them right now. I don’t know who or what made me say anything in the first place.
I no longer understand what is happening to me.
Knowing what DPD is and how my brothers are affected by it and how I’m still in denial that I have it doesn’t help my ability to cope with it one bit.
Maybe it’s just my anxiety acting up? but I know how anxiety works and this is far from it.
Maybe I don’t have anxiety to begin with and all I suffer from is DPD?
Why bother with thinking when I don’t feel like anything around me is even real.
But if that’s the case, then why do I get panic attacks or anxiety if I don’t feel things are real?
My poor brain might just get fried right now.
Being around people that I love helps. I think that’s why I choose to always be around my faviourate people. Maybe that’s a contributor to my abandonment issues. Maybe. Maybe.


Would it make a difference if I told you that I’m ready?
The path is set and I’m taking the first step.
Knowing I’ll run off a cliff in the end hasn’t changed my mind.
This time I’m willing to feel the pain.
This time I know the pain is worth so much more.
These feelings will guide me to hell straight but only through heaven.
It’s better to go through than over, right?
It’s my little secret but I give in to the temptation of temporary happiness for the price of agonizing pain.
Keeping you in the dark will keep you from leaping off the cliff with me.
It is my decision and my fall to take.
I’m ready to let go and no longer hold back.
Pain will exist even if I stand still so why wait?
The beautiful is destined to break.

(Wasn’t going to post this but fuck it. Wrote it around 2 weeks ago.)

The one and the never

I think about you and all the others before you
and after you
and the ones in between
and the ones that never were.
I want to understand what I am or
what is left in me, what was never there,
after lending out pieces of myself to
everyone I’ve loved once.

To the one that broke my shell..
the one that downed my heart..
the one who used me..
the one I used..
the one I gave a million wasted chances on..
the one that never gave me any ..
the one I dream of till this day..
the one I don’t even remember..
the one I hate to love..
the one I love to hate ..
the one I wish would call..
the one I wish would leave me alone ..
the one I want to end up with cause hes here..
the one I want to end up with cause I can’t..
the one that I lost cause of stupidity..
the one I should have never been with..
the one that broke me over and over..
the one that pieced me back together..
the one that lied through his teeth..
the one that I want to taste…
the one I think about in bed..
the one I wish would need me..
the one I wish would hate me ..
the one who is now a friend ..
the one who is now a stranger ..
the one whos moved on ..
the one who been through a lot of girlfriends..
the one who trusted me with his heart…
the one I wanted to have kids with..
the one I wanted to grow old with…
the one who pretends that I no lonver exist…
the one that nothing compares to
the one ..
the one ..
the one …
Which one?

How can I have anything left to give?
When all I am is scattered between the one, the ones?
My capability to love has dried out.
The future seems long, sad, lonely and pathetic.
A grumpy, bitter girl obsessed with books, comics, movies, tv shows.
A lady that has dark shallow eyes.
Never a wife, never a mother, never someones ‘other’.
At some point, never a daughter, never a sister, never a friend.

Never a human.
Never real.
Never alive.


Words no longer overflow my mind.
The storm has passed, my breath is easy.

For the past no longer haunts me,
my shadows still lingers but non worry my thoughts.

It is all out in the open, I am who I am and
I’m satisfied with that. As you are who you are,
and that doesn’t bother me, as I no longer have words to give.

Caring was my way, loving was my thing.
But things, people, words, and the absents of these
caused everything to shed away.

My fingers do not find words to draw,
my lips do not stutter.
My drive for lyrical poetry has vanished.

I am at peace with what has happened, the past, the known,
with the person I am and that the person I am not.

The tide tries to pull me back in, I might not know how to swim,
But I know how not to drown!

Irony guides my life,
for words were all I ever had. I lived, prayed and flowed through them,
now they no longer have power over me.

I am free from it all. I am free from you.


The flow of self hatred thoughts, seep into my unconscious mind.
Control of all that is has been lost and I do not resist it.
The inevitable has taken its course and its time again!
My skin itches, my demons crawl within me.
I am a slave to my own destruction, in a cage I built
I lock myself.
The only way out, is through my own skin.
I tear my flesh to pieces, I bleed my insides dry..
Only to find the tool that pierced my surface,
is the key to both my relief and demise.
For they are one and the same.
face to face with my entity
I am an abnormality in a foreign body

note to self: add more to this.. when mentally capable.


Through the tunnel of the inferior, shines the light of the deceiver, for the are they willing and we are the bait. I’d follow you through valleys and creators, if only you’d ask .. But here I am, wishing for a way through the tunnel… Wishing for another way out …the path is not the hardest journey, the mind of the tunnel is the darkest of places and the infinite maze of corners that lead to the monsters in the mirror …. There is no way to escape From demons that you’ve created… from your own flesh and tears they rose, fighting them off is futile but this is where you left me. this is where I am, this is where I stay.

Draft of month old .. thing!

The Giver by Lois Lowry; The movie.

After watching the movie adaptation of The Giver (And not reading the book), I was faced with the question of ‘why does the grass seem Greener on the other side?”

From my point of view, they had a good life, lack of emotions; true. But I would give up everything to be in that place, to know your place. Yet, I wouldn’t want to be similar to everyone around me or not understand the huge differnece in the range of emotions that a human can possible go through! Would not knowing pain be a good thing? maybe cause I’ve had so much pain in my life I’d rather life without, but somehow, I can’t imagine who I’d be without all of the shit pain that still lives inside of myself.

The conflict of individuality vs (somewhat, but not really) Equality.

Some Quotes, cause why not!
The worst part of holding the memories is not the pain. It’s the loneliness of it. Memories need to be shared.”
“It’s the choosing that’s important, isn’t it?”
“Of course they needed to care. It was the meaning of everything.”

I intend to read the book, get a deeper understanding of how they lived and how the author imagined a perfect but flawed world, and wanting to get away from this one, and that one .. we always want the inbetween! ugh ..


اشتاق بلاحساس بالهدوء و اليقين

اشتاق لحبك و بلاحساس بلمست يدك

اشتاك لعشقق المجهول و لعدم احساسك بعشقي

اخجلتني بنظراتك الخالية من الاحساس

كم اشتاق الى الدخان من شفتيك

لقد رأيت قرون تمر في عينيه

و شاهدة نجوم تحرق في ذاتها

وأنا انتظر بصمت على ما هو آت

أرني الشعر المناسبة

سوف احرق كلماتي ليتها تساعد جوع النيران

قبل ان تموت على الورق

اقول وداعا للرسائل واقول وداعا لك

انت من احببتة و انت من كرهني في الحب

و بعد كل ما فعلتة افضل اشتاق اليك

والى المستقبل الذي رسمته في خيالي معك

لقد احببتني في كلامك وتركتني اكمل القصة وحدي

وها انا اكتب النهاية

الى غدا اخر و الم جديد

الى القصة التي لم يكن لها بداية

I hate Arabic .. Bai.